A Hookup Vs A Godly Connection What You're Missing Out On | Relationship Advice For Women


Hi, thanks for joining me today, I'm Dr. Patricia Shaw, a professional life coach empowering women back on top in life and love, and in today's blog I take a look at the two different types of relationships women can choose.  

While one might seem like the easy road, it's actually quite short-lived and leaves you feeling empty. The other option is a commitment to God that leads to a life-long relationship full of love, growth, and happiness. So if this is something you'd like to know more about then keep watching. 

Proverbs 16:25 says, “There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death.” NIV 

Desires not aligned with God’s will are doomed to eventually fail and that includes relationships. 

There are women who hook up with men and those hookups lead to hangups, headaches, and ultimately heartache. Until you realize that relationships are more than physical; they are spiritual then and only then will you stop settling for a physical hookup that leads to nowhere and you start believing for a spiritual connection that leads to life. 

What does a relationship filled with life look like? 

Good question, I'm glad you asked. 

A relationship filled with life looks like two individuals who respect each other's differences and recognize the beauty in diversity. 

It looks like two people who speak life into each other's dreams and encourage one another to be go-getters 

It looks like two people who are passionate about their calling but still make time for each other. 

It looks like two people who are determined to lift each other up and refuse to bring each other down. 

A relationship filled with life is the result of a spiritual connection.  

What's the difference between a hookup and a connection? 

Another good question, I'm glad you asked. 

A hookup is a temporary physical pleasure that leaves you feeling empty and longing for more. A connection is a spiritual commitment that transcends physical pleasure, leaving you fulfilled in your body, soul, and spirit. 

A hookup can lead to feelings of guilt and regret while a connection is rooted in understanding, trust, and respect.  

A hookup will leave you feeling empty while a connection leaves you feeling satisfied. A connection is spiritual and based on love. You both feel a strong bond with each other and it creates a lasting sense of fulfillment. 

Hooking up with the wrong person is a drain on your energy and spirit; that person is quick to turn conversations into arguments and disagreements, they usually have an ulterior motive in mind, and never really make you feel seen or heard and you deserve to be both seen and hard in your relationship. 

Let's Talk About Intimacy 

When two people are spiritually connected they experience greater depths of intimacy because intimacy is spiritual; sex is physical. 

Intimacy is in-to-me-he sees. He sees me in my highs, in my lows and yet he continues to love me for who I am because he is in to me! 

He may have been attracted to my hips, lips, and fingertips, but our spiritual connection evolved over time as a result of deep conversation, emotional understanding, and heartfelt appreciation. 

This is what true intimacy looks like; two spiritual beings connecting on a deeper level. 

So if you're looking for something lasting and meaningful, start exploring your spiritual side. Get to know yourself and understand that the physical is fleeting but the spiritual is forever.  

When you reach that level of intimacy, there's no need for masks or pretenses because real love is beautiful and honest.  

In this type of connection, both individuals are free to be who they truly are which creates an environment that fosters safety, respect, and admiration.  

Our relationships should be purposeful, not superficial; because the person you connect with has the power to make you better or bitter, and the goal is to become better with each passing day. 

When you connect with the right person, your relationship becomes a two-way street of giving and receiving and that's what you want. A powerful connection that yields growth, understanding, and peace. 

Hey friend, it's time to move beyond ungodly soul ties where you are left feeling unfulfilled and start believing in holy matrimony where you are fulfilled in body, soul, and spirit.  

When it comes to relationships, the best relationship is one that is spiritually aligned, because this type of connection will last a lifetime. I’ll talk about being spiritually aligned in another video. 

So, don't settle for physical pleasure with no substance; start believing for a spiritual connection filled with love, joy, and peace. That's where true fulfillment lies.  

I encourage you to not let another day go by feeling stuck in your love life. As a professional life coach for women, I have helped countless clients find their version of relationship success and experience the joy and fulfillment that comes with it. I understand the fears and uncertainties that come with dating and finding love, which is why I'm here to guide you every step of the way. 

Together, we will unravel any limiting beliefs and patterns that may be holding you back from finding the love you deserve. My approach is personalized and tailored to your unique needs and goals. By working with me, you will gain the tools and insights necessary to attract and maintain a healthy and loving relationship. 

So, if you're ready to leave the emotional dating roller coaster behind and embark on a journey of love, then I encourage you to take the first step and book a consultation with me. Let's work together to help you find rapture in the warm embrace of love. 

Click the link below and let’s get started  


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