A Position Without Purpose & Power Leads To Panic! It's Letting Go Season

A Position Without Purpose & Power Leads To Panic!

We've all been there, right? Dreaming of that beautiful moment when we'll walk down the aisle, hand in hand with the love of our life, saying 'I do' forever. But today, we're going to explore what it truly means to embrace the 'Letting Go Season' of your life.

This isn't just another talk about relationships; it's a soul-searching journey. We're going to uncover the hidden treasures within you, the power that comes from purpose, and the beauty that unfolds when you let go of your preconceived notions about love and marriage.

So, grab your favorite drink, find a comfy spot, and let's embark on this incredible journey together. Remember, this 'Letting Go Season' is all about you, your growth, and your divine purpose.

You are not alone, I’m right here walking with you because believe it or not, you can go where you’ve never been before, but chances are, you won’t stay there without the right support encouraging and empowering you along the way!

The Power of Contentment in Singleness

"Women who sleep with biceps and triceps every night don’t understand the struggle of a single woman. They want to tell you, ‘Be patient; he’s coming.’ My relationships were doomed from the beginning, but I kept trying to make them work because I kept having birthdays, and each year I was single was another chance for some family member to say, ‘Girl, you ain’t married yet? What’s wrong with you?’ You try to hold on to hope and believe what they’re saying is true, but with each birthday, that sparkle of hope turns into a shimmer.”

Those are words from one of my coaching clients—I’ll call her Joann—whom I helped through the pain she was dealing with. Now, she walks in confidence, knowing who she is. After going through several of my coaching programs, Joann learned how to face the fears of her past by embracing what she went through. Being able to identify the path that led her to the decisions she made allowed her to see the value in each and every obstacle she faced and conquered.

Once Joann was freed from the bondage that came with living in the past, her eyes were awakened to who she was becoming: the confident, clear, and committed woman she always wanted to be. Joann is now engaged to be married to her soulmate.

There seems to be a heavy stigma against singleness, as if it’s a negative thing. But being single yet whole within is a true blessing. When you're single, you can learn about yourself, strengthen your relationship with God, and become the mentally and emotionally complete person you should be before becoming one with the man God sends into your life.

Dear sister, I moved forward after a broken relationship, and my heart was healed. During my period of singleness, I learned how to guard my heart so I wouldn’t keep falling for Mr. Right Now, and two years later, my husband came along. I won’t tell you it was easy, but I’ll tell you it was worth it! Here’s what I live by, and it hasn’t failed me to date.

Never take advice from someone who isn’t getting the results you want to experience. If you don’t like what you see in the life of the messenger, then it’s best to ignore the message.

I share my personal story to inspire others to move from a place of pain into a position to receive their promise. God has a plan for your life, but are you prepared to follow it?

Identifying Your Unique God-Given Purpose

Imagine that your life is a beautiful tapestry woven together by God's divine hand. Marriage is undoubtedly a significant thread in that tapestry, but it's not the entire masterpiece. You see, it's absolutely vital to explore your individual purpose and passions beyond the desire for marriage. When you nurture your unique gifts and dreams, you not only enrich your own life but also enhance the future marriage you hope for. Your purpose gives you a sense of fulfillment, confidence, and identity that goes far beyond being someone's partner. It brings depth, resilience, and wisdom to your relationship, creating a strong foundation for a God-centered marriage. By embracing your purpose now, you're not just preparing for a successful marriage; you're becoming the best version of yourself, ready to complement and enhance your future partner's life in beautiful and meaningful ways.

When you know who and whose you are, absolutely no one can tell you who you are not!

Here are three practical tips for self-discovery for single Christian women seeking marriage:

  1. Take the time to figure out what you truly want in life and how it aligns with your faith and values. Don't let society or anyone else dictate what you should do, but take a step back and look at your life in its entirety. Consider the kind of partner you'd like to have by your side as you go through life's journey.
  2. Embrace the power of vulnerability and open up to God in prayer. Prayer is a powerful tool that can help you find clarity and direction when it comes to making important life decisions, such as marriage. Pray for the courage and trust to go through the process of self-discovery with an open heart and mind.
  3. Finally, don't forget to use all the available resources around you. If you have access to counseling or coaching, take advantage of it. A good coach or counselor can help you uncover and process the emotions that may be blocking your personal growth. Likewise, seek wise counsel from trusted friends or family members who can provide support as well as valuable insight into your life journey.

Ultimately, the Letting Go Season is about learning how to let go and lay your worries at God's feet. As you learn how to trust in Him more deeply, you'll begin to explore who you are and discover what makes your heart come alive. As a single Christian woman, it’s important that you take the time to do this for yourself.

Embracing God's Divine Timing

Isn't it incredible how God's timing is always perfect, even when we can't quite see the whole picture? Waiting for the right person and season in your life is a profound testament to faith.

Consider the remarkable story of Ruth, a testament to the profound truth that God's timing is perfect. Ruth experienced unimaginable loss and hardship, but she held onto her faith and trusted in God's plan. In her waiting season, she could have operated out of despair and desperation, but she remained steadfast.

Little did she know that God had a beautiful plan in store for her. At the appointed time, He not only restored her life but also blessed her with a faithful husband, Boaz.

Ruth's story reminds us that waiting is not a sign of weakness but a powerful act of faith. It's trusting that God is orchestrating every moment of our lives, aligning the stars, and preparing us for something extraordinary.

So, if you find yourself in a season of waiting, remember that you're not alone. Your faith in God's perfect timing will be rewarded with a love story and a life beyond your wildest dreams. Embrace this 'Letting Go Season,' knowing that your love story is being written by the greatest Author of all time."

Here are three powerful affirmations for single Christian women to embrace their season of singleness while letting go of society's modern-day expectations of wanting a ring without purpose and the power to back it up:

I Am Enough as I Am

- Remind yourself daily that your worth and value are not determined by your relationship status.

- Embrace the truth that you are complete and whole just as you are, and your singleness is a valuable season of personal growth and self-discovery.

I Trust God's Perfect Plan

- Strengthen your faith by trusting that God has a perfect plan for your life, including your love story.

- Let go of the rush and anxiety about finding a partner and trust that God's timing is impeccable. Your faith in His plan will lead to a more purposeful and fulfilling journey.

I Cultivate My Purpose and Power

- Focus on developing your unique purpose and passions during this season of singleness

- Embrace opportunities for personal and spiritual growth, allowing your purpose to flourish and your inner power to shine.

- Understand that when you invest in yourself, you become a stronger and more attractive partner for the future, ensuring that your marriage is built on a solid foundation.

These affirmations can serve as daily reminders to help single Christian women navigate their season of singleness with confidence, faith, and a deep sense of purpose.

Calling all single Christian women! Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey of faith? Join me in the Purposed and Positioned 31-Day Prayer Challenge, where we will strengthen our relationship with God and discover His divine purpose for our lives. Together, we will seek His guidance, find inner peace, and draw closer to Him through daily prayer. Let's support each other in this empowering journey towards spiritual growth and fulfillment. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to connect with like-minded sisters in Christ. Are you up for the challenge? Sign up today and let's pray our way to a more purposeful and positioned life!

Dear Single Christian Woman

Are you tired of swiping left and right, hoping to find true love in a sea of pretenders? Are you seeking a meaningful relationship guided by faith and discernment?

Look no further! We invite you to embark on a transformative journey towards finding your true contender among the pretenders with our FREE guide:

🌹 **Dating With Discernment: How To Find Your Contender Among The Pretenders** 🌹

In this empowering and faith-filled guide, you will discover:

✨ **The Power of Prayer:** Unleash the incredible strength of prayer in your dating journey, and watch how it leads you to your divine match.

✨ **Navigating Red Flags:** Learn to recognize the signs of pretenders and discover essential tips for safeguarding your heart.

✨ **Godly Dating Principles:** Discover how to align your dating journey with biblical wisdom, so you can walk confidently in faith.

✨ **Building Healthy Connections:** Explore practical steps to cultivate meaningful and lasting relationships founded on God's love.

This FREE guide is your roadmap to dating with discernment, empowering you to make choices that honor your faith, values, and heart's desires.

Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to navigate the dating world with wisdom, faith, and the support of a loving community.