Marriage Is Not A Goal - It's An Option | Relationship Advice For Women


Marriage Is Not A Goal

Marriage is not a goal; it's an option! Yes. It's an option. Marriage is not a goal. It is an option. Loving yourself is a goal. Living a godly lifestyle is a goal. Treating others with kindness and respect is also a goal. And pursuing God and his plan for your life. Now, that is a goal. If marriage happens to be part of that plan. It's an option you can consider if that's what you want to do, but it should never be the only purpose for living.

You are so much more than just a single woman and there is so much else that life has to offer. so live in the moment, learn and grow in your faith, love the people around you, and enjoy life because that's what matters most.

 Marriage Is Not Meant To Be Taken Lightly

It requires commitment, effort, and dedication. You should enter into a marriage with an open mind and heart and a willingness to compromise Yes, compromise. It's necessary to recognize that marriage involves two people who will always have different perspectives and opinions. So respect each other's differences. And learn to communicate effectively so that you can build a strong lasting relationship. 

Marriage is also about more than just the relationship between husband and wife. It's about being part of something much bigger. Marriage is ultimately about loving God and loving others. Marriage is about sacrificing for one another and growing in faith together.

Marriage is a picture of the covenant relationship between God and his people so take time to pause and remember that truth. As you journey through life with your spouse.

Marriage may not be the goal, but it can definitely be an incredibly rewarding option if you open yourself up to it. As you prepare to move forward. Remember that true love starts with loving yourself. Loving yourself and your heavenly father first.So you and him.First, 

When Your Focus Is Fixed

When your focus is fixed on God and his will, you'll be able to make the right choices for your life. You don't have to feel guilty or ashamed if marriage is not one of those choices. God's plan is perfect and sometimes that may mean going through life without a spouse.

Everyone has different paths in life, so don't worry about what other people are saying or doing if it doesn't match what you believe. Instead, trust in the Lord, and he will guide your footsteps. So take the time to build a strong foundation of faith within yourself before you even consider marriage because honey, you're going to need it.

When you do this, whatever life brings your way, whether it's marriage or something else entirely, you’ll have the strength and resilience to take it on with grace and positivity.

So remember, marriage is an option, not the goal. Live your life well. Love God and others live in the moment, and never stop believing that good things are coming your way.


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