The One Reason You're Still Single And How To Fix It!

Hey, you there. Single? Yeah, I bet you are because of this one reason. And the good news is that you can fix it.

In today’s blog, I'm sharing how to change your ways and finally find the love of your life. So, sit down, relax, and let me show you what's been holding you back all these years.

Often, when people ask someone why they're still single, the answer is always the same: "I haven't found the right person yet." And while that may be true to some extent, relationships are not just about finding the right person but also about being the right person.

If you're wondering why you're still single, it might have less to do with your relationship status and more to do with your approach to relationships. Do you tend to be codependent? Do you have a history of choosing unavailable partners? These are just some ways our past can impact our present regarding relationships. If you're looking to break the cycle of being single, start by taking a close look at yourself and identifying how you might be getting in your own way.

Relationships require give and take, but you're bound to be disappointed if you're only focused on what you're getting out of it. Relationships are about finding someone who brings out the best in you, not someone who completes you. So, if you're wondering why you're still single, ask yourself: Am I the best partner that I can be? If not, it might be time to work on yourself before you can start working on finding the right person.

What does working on yourself look like? It means being honest with yourself about your shortcomings and taking steps to change the things that you can. It means being vulnerable and open to new experiences. It means being patient and present in the relationships that you're in. And most importantly, it means being okay with being single--because relationships are not a cure-all for life's problems, and being single does not mean that you're flawed or incomplete.

Relationships are about two people coming together to create something beautiful, but that can only happen when both people are whole and complete on their own. So, if you're still single, it might be because you're exactly where you're supposed to be--and that's perfectly okay.

Here are three things you can do today to become the right partner so you can attract the right person into your life:


Personal growth is all about becoming the best version of yourself. When you focus on your personal development, you become more attractive to potential partners because you're constantly becoming a better person. If you're not sure where to start, feel free to book a strategy session with me, and I'll help you get started on your journey to becoming the partner you desire to be.


One of the best ways to attract the right person into your life is by being open to new experiences. If you're always doing the same things and hanging out with the same people, you're not giving yourself a chance to meet new people and experience new things. So if you're wondering why you're still single, ask yourself: Have I been open to new experiences lately? If not, it might be time to step outside of your comfort zone and try something new. What does that entail? It could be anything from taking a dance class to traveling to a new country. Just remember that the goal is to step outside of your comfort zone so you can attract the right person into your life.


If you're still holding onto resentment and pain from your past relationships, it's time to let it go. Letting go of the past is essential for attracting the right person into your life because it allows you to be present in the relationships that you're in. When you're holding onto pain from the past, it's difficult to be emotionally available for your current relationships.

So if you're wondering why you're still single, ask yourself: Have I let go of the past? If not, it might be time to do some inner work so you can move on and attract the right person into your life.

What does inner work look like to you? It's different for everyone, but some things you might want to consider are meditation, journaling, and relationship coaching. 

Relationship coaching is a great way to work on yourself and attract the right person into your life. It allows you to get clarity on what you want, heal your past wounds, and learn how to be the best partner possible. 

If you're interested in relationship coaching, feel free to book a complimentary discovery call so we can chat about how I can support you in attracting the right person into your life. 

Working on yourself is essential for attracting the right person into your life. When you focus on your personal growth, let go of the past, and be open to new experiences, you're setting yourself up for success in relationships. 

So, if you're wondering why you're still single, ask yourself: What can I do to become the right partner so I can attract the right person into my life? And then take action accordingly.

Dear Single Christian Woman

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