Patricia Shaw


Forging Loving Bonds Through Passion, Purpose, And Faith

Patricia Shaw


Forging Loving Bonds Through Passion, Purpose, And Faith

As a Christian Relationship Coach and founder of The Purposed Woman Inner Circle, I help lead women to their definition of relationship success so they can find rapture in the warm embrace of love rather than fear it.

Hi, I’m Dr. Patricia Shaw, and I began on this journey to inspire the soul of a woman. Gently nudging her to overcome her limiting beliefs so she could attract a life partner that fulfills her heart and needs on every level. 

Relationships have the ability to raise us up and elevate our being to new heights. But only if they are entered into with readiness and intention. The scope of my work comes down to empowering Christian women in 3 key areas:

As a Christian Relationship Coach and founder of The Purposed Woman Inner Circle, I help lead women to their definition of relationship success so they can find rapture in the warm embrace of love rather than fear it.

Readiness Coaching

By addressing questions like “who am I?”, “what do I want?” and “how do I get what I want?”, I guide women from all walks of life to achieve clarity and readiness entering into future relationships. So they can remove fear from the equation and forge meaningful bonds for personal growth. 

Attraction Coaching

Attraction Coaching focuses on helping women meet their life partner through potent visualization techniques. When a woman creates a blueprint of their unique needs in a relationship, they can manifest the partner they desire while staying true to the core of who they are.

Attraction Coaching

Attraction Coaching focuses on helping women meet their life partner through potent visualization techniques. When a woman creates a blueprint of their unique needs in a relationship, they can manifest the partner they desire while staying true to the core of who they are.

Pre-Commitment Coaching

This is all about helping new couples be conscious and objective about their future together. To use pre-commitment as a guiding light for happiness, security, and contentedness in their relationships and personal lives. 

These are the cornerstones of The Purposed Woman Inner Circle. 

Fill Your Heart With Abundant Bliss

If you’ve been burnt, scorched, broken by failed relationships in the past, please reach out. Part of manifesting relationships with purpose starts within. By pacifying the “war on love” that many women struggle with in their minds, you can begin to lay a foundation for a life filled with abundant bliss. 

As a result, you’ll unveil a more confident, collected, and charismatic version of yourself. All while cherishing the individuality of your soul. 

To learn more about what we can achieve together, reach out below. I look forward to welcoming you to the warm community of empowered women that awaits.

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